Monday, 30 July 2012

Turned out nice again

For the ducks anyway.

 What was wrong with our kitchen as it was is anyones guess!  but as Pam said I put this kitchen in when we moved here 22 years ago. doesn't time fly?  I need a new one:

 Our old kitchen all loaded on the skip  waiting for the rest of the packaging that will come with the new units. I was just about to go out on my bike looking for some bits and bobs too finish the kitchen all the units have been built  all I need now are some clamps for the work top a kitchen sink with taps a bit of patience with my dear wife who has taken it upon herself to do the designing all very well  looking at designs on web adverts but the sweat and  fixing is my responsibility and of course errors in the ordering is also my problem, but its coming along just fine I have plenty of time as the sink is not coming for another week so I can only complete three quarters of the Job.

The weather forecast was for showers and if this is just a shower god help us when it does rain.
 wiring is almost complete.

OK thats out with the old  at this point we did not know whether to put in A new sink?

Sparkle is quite enjoying the upheaval everything new has a close inspection.
Ok thats the oven in
decision made and now we have a weeks wait

Bell the eldest of the siamese sisters is well put out  and waits on the stairs for us to go to the safe room (the bedroom we happen to share with the cats)  the older ones are used to upheaval and just stay out of the way just call when its feed time ,

saphy our tontines is always happy in the sun.

Always time for a play even for the the old boy Sylvester

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